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Our Adventure!

Our Adventure begins


Do you ever wonder what it’s like to travel around the world?

Yes, we start by wondering and always asking ourselves

  • When will i start to travel?

  • How much money do i have to save?

  • Where will i start first?

One by one we have answers to our questions; these also came within ourselves

I want to start to travel while i’m still young because we will never know what comes tomorrow or what comes the day after tomorrow, it’s just Life is too short, GOD has given us the will to live what we called LIFE.

I have saved enough money, i work hard for my entire life, i had never given something to myself or for my families, Money is just a thing you can always work hard for it but memories make us who we are and fulfill the best in us and it will be forever in our hearts.

We start where our hearts and mind tell us to in the first place, our feet will guide us along into a good direction, we will sometimes be lost and worry but it doesn’t matter it’s part of the adventure that you chose.

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